This week on the Unconventional Life Show is Pip The Pansy. Pip is an incredibly immersed artist, musician, and performer. She uses her dreamy flute melodies, explosive synth hooks, and colorful spirit to completely capture her audiences from around the world. Pip's newest album Love Legends, Part 1 was released early this year and draws inspiration from Greek mythology and bringing the ancient back to life.
This week on the Unconventional Life Show is Josh Forti, the founder of the Think Different Theory. Through mindset, psychology, and modern-day philosophy Josh’s mission is to help you break free and define your own destiny and passion- all the things we love on the Unconventional Life show.
“I believe that we as a society don’t talk about what actually matters, we talk about what sells. And I am here to change that.” - Josh Forti
This week on the Unconventional Life show is CEO and Co-founder of Ned, Ret Taylor. Ned is a wellness brand that produces CBD oil, hemp balms, and medicinal tinctures.
In this episode Ret shares,
-His greater why in life and how that has impacted the business and work that he does today
-How he made the switch from a very conventional life to the unconventional life.
- and so much more!